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Summer Entertainment with Minute Maid® Lemonade

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, INC and The Coca-Cola Company, all opinions are mine alone. #RefrescaTuSummer #CollectiveBias

Summer holds so many special memories for me! Believe it or not, I was such a tomboy growing up. My brother and I would play outside from sun up to sun down exploring our neighborhood usually getting into mischief..okay mostly because of me LOL! My mom, being a caring loving Latina mother, would always make sure we kept hydrated with lemonade. She would always make a pitcher and offer drinks to our neighborhood friends. This tradition of offering beverages carried out throughout my childhood. I vividly remember her giving me a glass of lemonade to give to my dad whenever he took a break from mowing our lawn. 
I think her hospitality came from my Abuelita. To this day, my Abuelita always offers food and drinks to us almost immediately of arriving to her house. As I'm writing this I can hear my Abuelita asking "Lea, you hungry?" in her voice. As a Latina, heritage and tradition is so important to who I am. I continue to carry on the tradition of hospitality through beverages as my Abuelita taught my mom and my mom taught me through her example....of course with my own touch! 

 Minute Maid® Lemonade is a Coca-Cola product that has a refreshing, classic taste that reminds me of home! I add my own twist by giving it a splash of Sparkling Smartwater®  to create a Fizzy Lemonade. For a summer twist, add frozen melon balls! Here is the exact tutorial that yields 4 servings:

 Minute Maid® Lemonade 12 -pack 12 oz cans
1 Sparkling Smartwater®  20 oz

Melon Baller
Wax Paper
Cookie Sheet

1. Line cookie sheet with wax paper.
2. Prepare the melon balls by cutting the watermelon and cantaloup in half. For the cantaloupe use a spoon to gently carve out the seeds from each half. 
3. Use the melon baller to scoop out the balls. Place the melon balls on the wax paper lined cookie sheet. Put cookie sheet in the freezer.
4. Fill each glass with  Minute Maid® Lemonade can. Only use half a can for each glass.
5. Top the lemonade with Sparkling Smartwater®. Be sure to leave plenty of space for the melon balls on top.
6. Place frozen melon balls on top of beverages. 
7. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.
8. Enjoy! 

This fizzy lemonade is such a great way to host your guests during the summer! You can purchase Minute Maid® Lemonade 12 -pack 12 oz cans at your local Walmart found in the beverage aisle, photographed below. 

Refresh the Way You Flavor Your Day!
Not all fruits depicted are present in each product. Juice percentage varies

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