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Best Amazon Home Purchases

Since becoming a parent, I find it increasingly easier to shop online for our home. From groceries to beauty supplies I find great prices and access to products on Amazon! Here are a few Amazon purchases that we've done for our home that I think are worth sharing:

The best purchase we've made for our living room is this toy organizer for our toddler! We were so tired of seeing his toys strewn across the floor. Easy for us to clean up and easy for our son to grab. Love it.

Who has time to vacuum? Also, who has the money for a roomba? Not I. This cheaper version is super reliable. We've used it almost every other day for a year and highly reccommend it!

For all the hundreds of photos of our son, we display them on this digital frame. Super easy to load in photos and videos from your phone. Highly reccommend as a gift!

I dare you to guess the price on this! Looks like a designer faucet, without the price. The nozzle becomes a handheld spray component and sprays. We bought this installer kit and my husband was able to DIY. Be warned: turn off your water first before attempting to install! Instantly elevated our kitchen.

Not really home related but we love this media holder that has the ability to hold an iPhone, iPad, or really any other tablet for your toddler. We bought two and one for grandma! Great for road trips.

Have you ever stayed at a nice hotel and envied the rain pressure shower head that felt so luxurious? Well now you can have it at home. Easy to install and has really great reviews!

Saved the best for last! We needed an inexpensive bed frame and headboard for our guest room. Really loved the look of this one and for the price it's great quality!

KitchenAid Mixer + 15 other colors | Knife Set 

This knife set is the perfect white set for a white backdrop kitchen! 

What are your best Amazon home purchases?

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